Ad Settings

The Ad Settings panel is accessed by clicking on the Cog icon underneath the thumbnail for any given size (or the Master Layout).

The Ad Settings Cog


The Ad Settings panel provides the following options:

  • Title
    Doesn’t affect output. Allows you to assign a title to an Ad Size.
  • Description
    Doesn’t affect output. Allows you to assign a description to an Ad Size.
  • Ignore Regeneration
    Lock the Ad Size so that any subsequent regenerations from the Master Layouts have no effect on this size.
  • Background Color
    Sets a background color for this Ad Size/format.
  • Background
    Sets a background image for this size/format. Background images can be scaled, positioned and repeated as required. If the grid for this Ad Size has a background applied, it will appear in front of the background assigned here.
The Ad Settings Dialogue


The way in which ad settings are applied are as follows:

Master Layout Ad Settings

Clicking on the cog icon under the Master thumbnail will open the Ad Settings for whichever format (Tower/Banner/Square) is selected under the Canvas. Changes made here will affect any Ad Sizes that are considered to be of that format.

Individual Ad Settings

Clicking on the cog icon under a thumbnail representing one of the Ad Sizes attached to the project via a profile will affect only that individual size. Changes made in here will be overwritten by the Master Ad Settings on regeneration, unless the ‘Ignore Regeneration’ checkbox has been selected for this size.

Updated on August 21, 2024

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