My Team

The My Team area provides a way for you to build a team to work on your SizeIM projects, and assign roles to team members depending on each of their individual skill-sets.

From the My Team screen, you can add a new team member by clicking on Create.

On the Add Team Member screen, fill in the new team member’s name and email address, and assign a role to the member to determine the level of control they will have over projects.

Once added, the new team member will receive an email with a link to activate their account. Once their account has been activated, they will be able to log in to the SizeIM Dashboard and access any publications that they have been assigned to work on.

Team members’ names, email addresses and roles can be edited by clicking on the Edit button to the right of the team member’s name on the My Team screen.

My Team
Updated on August 26, 2024

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