Team Roles

Team members can have one of two roles: Standard or Expert. The level of control that team members have over a project varies depending on which role they’ve been assigned. The differences between each role are outlined below.


Standard users do not have access to the grid, or the ability to create cells in a layout. The do, however, have the ability to edit the content in a layout, but are limited in their ability to alter element properties.

This means that they can populate the templates that have been designed for each size with relevant text and images, without being able to alter the template itself.

Standard users do not have the ability to add or remove elements to layouts. They can, however, hide elements from view, while retaining them in the layout so that they can be used in subsequent versions.

In addition, their ability to edit an element’s properties is restricted, giving them less options than would be available to an Expert user.

Standard users can also select which Ad Sizes can be associated with a project for export.


The Expert role is intended for use by those team members who will be deciding on and creating layouts.
Experts have control over all aspects of a project’s structure, layout and content. This includes the ability to create and save custom templates for use in future projects.

Editing a team member
Updated on August 22, 2024

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