Designing Formats

SizeIM generates your initial images using one of three formats as a guide – Tower, Square or Banner. The threshold for what is treated as each format is defined in your profiles. Once you have added your content to the default square and you’re happy with the layout in that format, click on ‘Create Formats’ on the main SizeIM toolbar. This will create a selector immediately under the Canvas, enabling you to switch between the three formats.

The newly-created formats will contain a grid with an equal number of rows and columns to the grid you set up in the square format. They will also contain cells occupying the same sections of the grid. At this stage you can modify each format’s grid independently, in order to lay out your content to better suit each format. You can also add, remove or reposition any Cells that were created in the Square format. To do so, toggle the grid on using the grid icon above the canvas, and click and drag on the resize, move and delete icons present in the content areas. Once you have done this, click on the Update button in the Grid Properties Panel.

Alternatively, you may choose to start from scratch with one or both of these generated formats. You can remove all cells from a layout by clicking on the trashcan icon in the Grid Properties Panel.

Once you have the Master Square, Tower and Banner formats set up, it’s time to generate the image sizes associated with your project.

Updated on August 15, 2024

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