How Do I Grant Project Access to Team Members?

Team members can be added, edited or removed using either the My Team area of the SizeIM app, or the Central Admin Dashboard.

To manage your team from within SizeIM, click on My Team in the main SizeIM menu. Team members can have two possible roles in the SizeIM dashboard – Expert or Standard. Expert users have control over all aspects of a project. Standard users are restricted to editing content which already exists in designs.

My Team


In the Central Dashboard, users can have two possible levels of permissions – Company Admin or Regular User. Company Admins will be able to see all projects under the account when they log in to SizeIM, regardless of who created them. In order for a Regular User to have access to a project, they must have been assigned permission to do so.

Central User List


To grant access to a project, sign in to central with an Administrator account at, and click on Users in the main menu to the right-hand side of the screen. This will display a list of all users associated with your account.

To assign a user to a project:

  1. Log in to the Central administration area
  2. Click on ‘SizeIM’ on the menu on the left-hand side
  3. Select the ‘Projects’ tab
  4. Click on the ‘edit’ icon next to a project name
  5. Click on the ‘Users’ tab above the project details
  6. Click on the ‘Assign User’ button
  7. On the list of users that appears, select the checkbox for each user you want to add to the project. Use the ‘Access’ dropdown menus to provide read/write or read only permissions, and select start and end dates for access.
  8. Click ‘OK’

Your users will now be able to see the projects to which they are assigned when they log in to SizeIM.

Updated on August 28, 2024

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