The SizeIM Editor

The SizeIM Editor provides the tools to edit your project’s layouts.

The Editor consists of two main sections: The Canvas and Control Columns.

The Canvas provides a visual representation of how your layouts will look. This is where you will see your changes as you build your layouts by adding and arranging text and images.

The Control Columns, located to the right of the Canvas, contain the tools that will enable you to add and modify elements to your layouts.

The SizeIM Editor

The Canvas

The Canvas is where you will see how your layouts will look. The elements which you have chosen to make up your publication reside here, and can be dragged and/or resized until you’re completely happy with each of your layouts.

The top of the canvas contains a toolbar providing tools and visual aids to aid you in creating layouts. From left to right, these tools are:

  1. Ruler
    Click on the set square icon to toggle rulers to the top and left of the canvas. Rulers are divided into pixels.
  2. Project Name
    Displays the name of your project. You can rename your project by clicking on and editing this text.
  3. Grid View
    Shows a grid and gives the ability to draw out cells in your layout. These cells can then be used as containers for ad content.
  4. Master Size
    When editing the Master Size square, this space will indicate that you are editing the Master 300x300px square.
  5. Undo/Redo
    Use these to step back and/or forward through the changes you have made to your project. You can also undo or redo changes using your keyboard (Ctrl + Z to undo, Ctrl + Shift + Z to redo).

When editing a size of image that has been generated from an associated profile, the Editor also contains an additional control for text-based elements. Using the slider immediately underneath the Canvas, the font size of all text in this size can be increased or decreased simultaneously.

The text slider

Control Columns

The Control Columns are where you will find the main set of tools for working with your layouts. The Control Columns consist of four main areas. These are, from left to right:

  1. Add Content
    A set of icons representing elements which can be added to layouts by dragging to the canvas.

    Add Content Control Column
  2. Properties
    Controls to adjust elements that have been added to the canvas.

    Properties Control Column
  3. Images
    A list of the image sizes associated with a project. These are created by clicking ‘Generate’ on the main Toolbar once your master layout has been designed. Once created, each size is selectable for fine-tuning.

    Ad Sizes Control Column
  4. Structure
    Representation of all elements present in a layout in a hierarchical tree structure. Elements can be reordered within a layout by dragging them up or down within the structure.

    Structure Control Column

While working in the Editor, SizeIm will automatically save your project periodically. You can, however, manually save your project by clicking on ‘Save’ in the main SizeIM menu.

Updated on December 17, 2024

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